Islands off the North Coast

Hi guys,

Now we are aware Trinidad is an island in the Caribbean but there are many small islands surrounding which are treasures by themselves.  Off the north western peninsular there are islands; there are the “5 islands” Caledonia, Craig, (Craig and Caledonia are joined by a man made causeway) Lenagan, Nelson, Pelican and Rock island (I know you counted 6 but its called 5 islands).  Additionally there are other larger islands, which has some interesting history and much more appeal to a sun-seeking enthusiast.  

Looking across Huevos & Monos Islands with Trinidad in the background. Source

Carrera was used as a state prison (yep even criminals get to party in Trinidad), Rock island is really tiny and covered in trees and has no real bathing beach, if that was your fancy well okay but just so you know.  Accessed only by boat but it’s only a twenty-minute boat ride and the scenery and beaches are simply breathtaking.  The caves of Gasparee on Gaspar Grande Island is a popular attraction; naturally formed from limestone has some beautiful pools.  There is a resort on the island so you need not camp outdoors, but what is the fun in that unless it is one of those fancy parties, which are held there…

Gasparee Caves. Source:

Chacachacare once held a leper colony but formally closed in 1984, it has a ghost like town said to be haunted and has been a focus of paranormal investigation over the years (if you are into that sort of things).  There was actually cotton plantation on this island in the early 19th Century; and has a host of rich history, the cemetery which shows the forgotten nuns who gave their unwavering service to the people is a sobering experience.   Nelson Island processed the East Indian indentured laborers starting in 1845 until 1917; they were isolated there before being mixed with the mainland population to avoid any medical epidemic.

Ruins of Chacachacare Leprosarium. Source 

Monos Island is a very popular location but as the name says there are monkeys inhabitants – actually there has not been any reports of any since World War 2 when the whaling station was located on the island. It is a great place for hikers with lots of cliffs and great hiking trails, lovely beaches and a must go for every Trinidadian when an alternate to Tobago vacation is being sort.

Gasparee Island resort. Source:

These are just some of the beautiful, quiet and peaceful locations with great beaches, where you can carry some of that good Trini food, music and friends and have yourself one fabulous time.   For those who have visited tell us from your experience just how great a time you had.  


  1. Sounds amazing, would love to visit one of these islands for a 'lime'.

  2. I've never been...after seeing those pics i have to do a DDI trip

  3. Remember to walk with your empty garbage bags to take your rubbish with you.

  4. Ddi life wow had some really great weekends at Gasparee island even though I didn't think camping out was for me I got use to it and really enjoyed it didn't know about all the history of all the others though this makes me even more interested in visiting them soon just have to remember to walk with my bug spray lol


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