Christmas in Trinidad

Hi Guys,

Christmas is special everywhere, I it is one of those universal holidays.  So let me tell you about a Trini Christmas, here everyone celebrates it regardless of religion, ethnicity or any other affiliation.  For Christians going to church and all the religious activities are observed however, for the rest of the population elaborate preparations are done.  Homes are decorated, groceries are stocked with food that are normally not bought all year round, I recall growing up only for Christmas one would get apple and grapes.

Trini Christmas food.

Parang is a Spanish type of music brought from Venezuela, is the music of the season, Parang fetes are held at many places leading up to Christmas.  Paramain is a community on the north coast which, has a beautiful parang festival with traditional food (pastel, local wine, sweet bread, cake, wild meat and the much more) dance, within the community one is welcomed and treated as family for the day of activities.  Bar, pubs and other communities also holds parang festivals in Arima where there is another Spanish influenced community is a great place to enjoy the parang competition.

In the community of Sangre Grande, Scrunter (a Parang Soca artist) holds a wild meat fete which is an all-inclusive party, which means lots to eat and drink, music dancing and a generally great time to be had.  Homes would also have their boom box set up and have their own little party with friends and family. Ham and Turkey are the traditional food, which is a must have however it is complimented with local foods which are probably partaken off more so, wild meat (manicou, iguana, deer, etc.) goat, duck, yard fowl, barbeque lamb and the list goes on.  Of course, baking is done just as elaborate with fruitcake, sweet bread, pone (cassava cake), macaroni pie, callaloo, Christmas rice and a wide and diverse list of food. 

Parandeos perform on stage. Source:

Gift sharing between friends and family is always nice, but for a kid, it is a bit more special, looking forward to what your uncles and aunts, grandparents, neighbors and parents is getting you.  Visiting the malls and waiting in the unending line to see Santa, going to sleep early waiting for Santa to pass and getting up extra early to see what is under the tree.  Visiting all your friends and playing with their new toys…

Visiting family on the day is a challenge as much as it is fun.  Similar to Christmas Carolers, persons would visit their neighbors and family and call it Paranging.  Which does not translate well, singing is over shadowed by the small party at each location – the trick is to not eat too much so you got stomach space to eat at the next house, and not to drink too much to be able to consume along the journey.  Of course if you miss someone’s home then that’s bad manners and mind you one has to be back home soon enough to entertain visitors.  It’s a double edge sword, like a fat kid at a candy store who has to exercise restraint; its not an easy task to control oneself. 

Home decorated for Christmas.

What I am trying to say is the hospitality shown by the people of Trinidad is very warm and welcoming.  There are of course lots to compliment that hospitality such as food, drink (warning, homemade wine can be brutal if you get carried away) and music, fireworks (drunk people should not be allowed near fireworks, but it does make for a good story).  So if you are looking for a new twist to a great tradition then come visit Trinidad for Christmas, I guarantee you would not regret it.  


  1. True and honest description of a real Trini Christmas. If I hailed from a foreign country after reading this post at least once I would try to experience a Trini Christmas

  2. None can compare to a Trini Christmas.

  3. There`s nothing more delightful than a Trini Christmas. It truly fosters love and togetherness.

  4. There's nothing more satisfying than the smell of ham and bread baking in the oven...nothing else can compare to a Trini Christmas it truly is one of the best the ponche creme,black cake,pastel ohh la la the list goes on and on what a wonderful time of year!!


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