Welcome to my blog

Hi Guys,

Welcome to my blog.

I live on an island in the Caribbean - I am in my mid thirties and like most persons at that age, its all about work, family and whatever little fun one can squeeze into the weekend.  Until its vacation time, for that precious 2 weeks, we pack up our bags and travel as far away from home as financially possible.  I love travelling, experiencing new places and most importantly new cultures. 

With the internet and ease of travel and doing business internationally, it will not be too long before there is just about one culture throughout the world.  I mean the music and influence of the larger countries impact the entire world.  That said there is still many differences in the details, and here I am hoping to share with you the beautiful culture of my home island.

Trinidad is one of 2 islands which make up the most southern Caribbean country of Trinidad and Tobago; or as its call by most "Sweet TnT".  I have observed over the years, and as far as recorded history has shown, persons has been migrating to Trinidad but not all for the same reasons.  Well yes the same reason if you consider the bigger picture of a better life.  But where the persons who comes for economical reasons, (natural resources: include Oil and Gas, and there is also a very large manufacturing industry), many first world citizens has also migrated here.

When I asked the latter set why would they leave a country with all those conveniences and a much higher income to move to little Trinidad, they all says the same thing.  They, "love the way of life here", which translates to the culture... The history of Trinidad has seen natives being colonized by the Spaniards in the 15th Century to English rule until the 20th Century with lots of other cultures impacting along the way.  Just about every major country has some impact on Trinidad's past; and it is shown by its rich and diverse way of life in this small Republic of 1.3 million persons.

So join me if you please, and I would show you the side of Trinidad which a simple Google search and Expedia would not show you. Trinis (pronounced: Trin-Knees) as we are called love to have fun and uses any and every excuse to have a party (lime as it’s called here).  It is said that Trinidad can never go to war with another country; because they would find some way of having a party with the enemy and get too drunk to fight, and before you know it they would be stealing someone's duck to take to Caura River for a good curry duck lime. 


  1. Rightfully said!! Us Trinis are always looking for an excuse to lime and in 2018, we have a number of long weekends to party and eat. We eating doubles, broth, pelau, crab and dumplin, curry...So as you rightfully said, "Sweet TnT"

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  4. Trinidad and Tobago is one of the best Caribbean island. Where there's the most holidays and think it's the only place where everything turns into a party or as we say "a lime". Not forgetting the sweet sound of tassa, steelpan and drums.

  5. So true.... Trinis love a holiday, we try to make every event a holiday or a lime....I myself love a good curry duck lime.

  6. love the pronunciation of Trin-knees !

  7. Trinis you know us anywhere in the world...love the phonetics "Trin-knees"


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