
Showing posts from February, 2018

Welcome to my blog

Hi Guys, Welcome to my blog. I live on an island in the Caribbean - I am in my mid thirties and like most persons at that age, its all about work, family and whatever little fun one can squeeze into the weekend.  Until its vacation time, for that precious 2 weeks, we pack up our bags and travel as far away from home as financially possible.  I love travelling, experiencing new places and most importantly new cultures.  With the internet and ease of travel and doing business internationally, it will not be too long before there is just about one culture throughout the world.  I mean the music and influence of the larger countries impact the entire world.  That said there is still many differences in the details, and here I am hoping to share with you the beautiful culture of my home island. Trinidad is one of 2 islands which make up the most southern Caribbean country of Trinidad and Tobago; or as its call by most "Sweet TnT".  I have observed ove